The sun is our friend - we need it. Twenty minutes per day with no sun protection is how we get our vitamin D and happiness. You want to protect your skin from burning with non-toxic sunscreens. So what should you use? Mineral Sunscreens are the way to go! And don't forget the non-toxic bug repellent to keep those pesky bugs away.
Sweet Summertime. The sun. oh how I have missed you. Pool or lake days, BBQs, getting outside! Summer is the season of being outdoors. It’s also the season of forgetting to hydrate, sunburns, and bugs. BUGS! In today’s blog and next week's, we will dive into each of these further.
Have you ever gone to the doctor with a complaint only to have him/her say - "You're getting older, that's normal"? I hate that! What is it about our society that we have been snookered into believing that every single thing we experience is a normal part of aging. I call HOGWASH!
I know organizing a home is typically a big topic for springtime, but if you didn't quite get your house in order, there’s no better time than now, and what better place to start than your closets! Getting organized will leave so much more time for fun and family when the weather is nice!
As far as I’m concerned, it’s never too early to start thinking (and dreaming) about summer…. So, let's talk all about preparing for the summer months!