Stress-less summer? It's possible, friend!

Summertime is full of fun activities, but do your best to not overschedule yourself. If you’re taking a trip, don’t wait until the last minute to pack. If you’re throwing a party, take it easy on yourself and make it a potluck. The less pressure you put on yourself, the less stressed you’ll be in the long run.

Let's have a great day! Open this to see how!

Have you ever woken up feeling unstoppable and ready to seize the day? Perhaps you know someone who radiates this energy and confidence at the crack of dawn. Whether you’re a morning person or not, there’s no denying that the first moments set the mood for the rest of the day. 

Summertime: super fun or super overwhelming?

Summer can be one of the best, most fun times of the year, and it can also be one of the most overwhelming times. We hear a lot of talk about the slow, relaxing days of summer, and that’s true to an extent, but when you have young kids, a job, and a life, summer can feel anything but slow.

Diffusing When There's No Electricity

Diffusing When There's No Electricity
Want to know how to use your diffuser in places where you don't have electric outlets?  

I like to use a diffuser outside on the deck, because I can put oils like Citronella in them and discourage the mosquitoes from ruining my outdoor time!   
Diffuser tools

The Quiz Connection

The Quiz Connection
Strategies change over the years when it comes to how businesses and entrepreneurs find the right "customers" for what they offer.  Gone are the days when hanging out a shingle could get you all the business you wanted.  People are much more discerning about who they want to do business with these days.  

More and more people are taking the entrepreneurial path and offering their unique talents and gifts to the world; but how do they find their "perfect" customer?

These days it's all about relationship and understanding the wants and needs of those who might benefit from what you are offering.  How do you discern what others need without it feeling like an inquisition?  An artfully and purposefully done quiz can help you find out exactly how you might help someone else. 

I've discovered a fun way to get to know people and their needs through quizzes.  If quizzes are done right, they can help the customers find the right service provider or product, AND help the entrepreneur find the right customer that needs or wants exactly what they have to offer.  Notice that I said "if quizzes are done right" ~ because many of them are just click bait and worthless.  It's important to understand how to build an effective quiz and have a platform that will support it and calculate the results!  

Interact is a company that provides not only the platform to support your quizzes, but also tons of training to help you do it right!  If you are an entrepreneur looking for ways to connect with people that could benefit from what you have to offer, try their 14 day free trial and see what you think!  And if you're just looking for some fun ways to get to understand what others have to offer you, take a quiz!

Now, how about trying out my quiz!  Which Essential Oils Will Rock Your World? 

People often ask me what my Favorite YL Products are.  That really kind of depends on a lot of factors - what may be my favorite today could be different than yesterday, depending on what's going on in my life.  But if you want to know the Young Living products that I absolutely USE every single day.... click the button below for My Daily Favorites! 

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