What is worry, and how is it hurting you? Do you find that you obsessively think about things that "might" happen? That's a classic example of worry. Worrying is feeling uneasy or overly concerned about a situation or a problem. Sometimes people imagine the worst in every scenario - that's worry in action.
The fact is, excessive worrying can affect the body in ways you might find surprising. When worrying becomes excessive, it can lead to feelings of high anxiety and even cause you to be physically ill.
When you worry excessively, you might experience:
- Nausea
- Muscle tension
- Disrupted sleep
- Difficulty focusing or concentrating
- Headaches
- Muscle tension
- Difficulty making decisions
- Irritability
- Exhaustion
- Even physical illness, and more...
There are things we can do to help ourselves overcome excessive worrying. One of those is practicing mindfulness. The practice of mindfulness just means developing the ability to be more aware of your thoughts and looking at them more objectively, than emotionally. Meditation and mindfulness practices are excellent ways to conquer excessive worrying and bring more peace and tranquility into your life.
Keep a notepad handy, and write down your worries. If it is something you can do something about, come back to it after spending some time engaging in an activity you enjoy, instead of trying to solve it when you are worried.
Clear thinking gets muddled up when you worry, and you likely won't come up with a good solution; but rather, will just create more worry. You'll do much better coming up with a plan for a solution when you are clear-headed and not worrying so much.
Do you think you worry too much? Most people will say "no" to that question. But when you analyze your thoughts objectively, I think you'll find that you could benefit from becoming more mindful and choosing your thoughts rather than being a victim of worry.
Of all the things in this world that can negatively impact your health - don't let excessive worry be one of them. You can change your thought patterns with practice. I know, because I've done it! If you would like access to my Strategies to control Automatic Negative Thoughts (otherwise known as ANTs), Contact Me and request the ANTs .pdf
Here's to a bright future, full of positivity and good health!
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