Who's Pulling the Strings?
Behind the scenes of our synchronized clocks and standardized time zones lie the urban tycoons—the unseen architects who crafted and lobbied for the standard and universal time system we adhere to today. These influential figures, often with vested interests in retail outlets and recreational businesses, have long championed the expansion of DST year-round. However, they are not alone in this endeavor. Corrupt politicians, beholden to the interests of lobbyists rather than the common good, have enabled and perpetuated the dominance of DST. Driven by campaign contributions and backroom deals, these politicians have prioritized the economic interests of a select few over the well-being of the masses. We all laugh when we see the purported (no idea if an Indian actually ever said this, but it makes a good point) American Indian meme: "Only the government would believe you could cut a foot of the top of a blanket, sew it to the bottom, and have a longer blanket" ~ it's comical; but the truth is, it has never been about having "more time" for anything - it's all about manipulating time to suit commercialism.
The Hidden Costs: Detrimental Health Consequences
When we spring forward or fall back, our bodies struggle to adapt to the abrupt change in time. This disruption to our natural sleep-wake cycle can wreak havoc on our health. Studies have shown that DST is linked to sleep disturbances, increased fatigue, mood swings, and even more serious health issues like heart attacks and strokes. And for those who argue that DST is better for mental health by increasing daylight hours, the opposite appears to be more accurate: Darker mornings during DST can worsen Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), leaving many feeling down and out during the winter months.
Finding Balance for Better Health
It's clear that the economic interests of a few shouldn't outweigh the well-being of the masses. As wellness warriors, we have the power to demand change. We can advocate for policies that prioritize our health over profit margins and political agendas. Instead of blindly following the clock, let's explore natural ways to support our bodies during these time shifts. Whether it's adjusting our sleep routines, spending more time outdoors, or incorporating stress-relieving practices into our daily lives, there are plenty of holistic approaches to mitigate the negative effects of DST.
As of January 2022, approximately 35-40% of adults in the United States reported getting less than the recommended amount of sleep on a regular basis. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night for optimal health and well-being. However, various factors such as work schedules, lifestyle choices, and stress levels can contribute to sleep deprivation. According to the American Psychological Association's "Stress in America survey" conducted in 2021, (I would argue that these numbers are likely much higher now, in 2024) about 78% of adults reported experiencing at least one symptom of stress in the past month. Additionally, around 43% reported feeling stressed most of the time.
In the meantime, while the powers that be keep selling out to the lobbyists and their dollars, let's look at how we can do more to support ourselves during the stress of time changes. Get immediate access to my "Stress, Sleep and Sadness" presentation with helpful tips.
Conclusion: Taking Charge of Our Health
While urban tycoons and politicians may have shaped our temporal reality, it's up to us to reclaim control. Let's prioritize our health and well-being, not just during DST but every day. By spreading awareness and advocating for change, we can create a future where vibrant health and common sense prevail over profit-driven agendas.
So, let's rise and shine, wellness warriors! Together, we can navigate the twists and turns of time with grace and vitality.
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