Are You Intentional?
In our fast-paced world today being “Intentional” is a lost art, it seems.   Everyone is rushing every which way, feeling impatient, stressed, and some are just downright angry.  It’s no wonder, too, with all the isolation and frustration and fear that is being hammered home to us every single day – through Social Media, the news, etc. 
Try being Intentional as you go about your day, whether it’s chewing your food, taking a walk in nature, listening to a friend, daily tasks – even your work.  That means giving your undivided attention to something and doing it with your full focus, thinking about what you want this “task” to accomplish.  Everything we do is to accomplish something; right?  Focus on what it is you want to accomplish, while giving thanks for the opportunity, and watch what happens!
Just the other day I was sharing with another Young Living member about using oils with intention to get better results.  She was sharing how scattered and ungrounded she had been feeling.  I asked her if she was using oils and she said, "Of course!  Every day."  I asked her how she used them, and she said she put some on her diffuser necklace every day and diffused them in her house.  (Which are great ways to use them!)
I suggested that she try to use the oils with "Intention" - take your time, put a few drops in your hand and slowly bring your cupped hands to cover your nose and breathe deeply for several minutes.  While breathing in the oil of choice, think about what you want it to do for you. Do the same thing when you apply topically - think about what you want the oil to do for you.  Give thanks for the oil and its wonderful properties that nourish our bodies in so many ways.  
Make it your goal today, and every day, whether you are using Young Living oils or just going to work, to do it with Intention  - taking your time  - and see what a difference it makes!   
Be sure to check out our upcoming Free Online Events with lots of great speakers coming for the month of March! 

Here's a link to my March E-Zine, which is full of great tips, recipes, and lots more! 

People often ask me what my Favorite YL Products are.  That really kind of depends on a lot of factors - what may be my favorite today could be different than yesterday, depending on what's going on in my life.  But if you want to know the Young Living products that I absolutely USE every single day.... click the button below for My Daily Favorites! 


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