As we begin the “Love Month” of February, with Valentine’s Day right around the corner, I’d like to focus on Loving Ourselves First, because if we do not “love” ourselves, how can we possibly love others with our best selves?
Of course, when I talk about “loving” ourselves, I’m definitely not talking about the kind of self-absorbed attitude of “me first” in all things. I’m talking about taking the best care of ourselves so that we can be better at taking care of those around us and giving back to humanity at large. After all, we are in this world to serve one another and hopefully make the world a better place.
Self love is important. For some it may sound like a luxury rather than a necessity. However, self-care is often needed most by those of us who work too hard and who are constantly striving to do better. Studies show that perfectionists are at a higher risk of illness, both physical and mental, and that self-care goes a long way in focusing on prevention.
Self love might consist of giving yourself some grace, and not trying to be perfect all the time!
Loving yourself might mean taking time just for yourself, whether it’s to read a book, take a nice warm bath, or go shopping with friends.
Let’s be honest here and admit that women, especially moms, are not particularly good at this. They fill their days with taking care of everyone else, and often get left out when it comes to self love.
Kudos to all the women (and men) who take great care of their families; and remember, if you don’t take care of yourself, you may not be able to take care of them over the long haul.
Since February is often thought of as the month of “Love” with Valentine’s Day being the big focus, how about making the month of February the month that you decide that “Loving yourself” is not only deserved, but necessary; and start taking care of YOU so that you can continue to be there for others.
If you need some ideas and reminders, you can join me in 14-Days of Self Love and get some easy suggestions and reminders in an email a day for 14 days. You’re worth it!
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