Healthy, Tasty Chocolate Bark!
I just made this delicious Chocolate Bark with chopped roasted almonds & wolfberries, adding a few drops of Vitality Cinnamon Bark!  WOW!!!  I got 88% cacao Belgian chocolate ~ because why not use the good stuff ~ and experimented with Vitality Oils.  You could make it with Vitality Orange, or Vitality Peppermint, and even combinations, like Vitality Cinnamon & Nutmeg!  The possibilities are endless, depending on your taste preferences!  

It's super easy and quick to make, and it's a wonderful gift for anyone who loves chocolate, with your own special flair!

If you'd like to receive some recipes and ideas for your own version of Chocolate Bark, contact me and let me know and I'll shoot you an email.  And if you're a fan of White Chocolate, we've got recipes for that, too!  Here's some pictures of what I made this morning to take to a gathering! 

Don't have an account set up yet to get your Young Living Vitality Oils (the only ones I am aware of that are approved by the government for internal use)?  Use this link to set up your account to go shopping, and I'll send you a very special gift! PLUS, you'll get access to our very special team members area with tons of recipes and oily news & education! 

People often ask me what my Favorite YL Products are.  That really kind of depends on a lot of factors - what may be my favorite today could be different than yesterday, depending on what's going on in my life.  But if you want to know the Young Living products that I absolutely USE every single day.... click the button below for My Daily Favorites! 


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