Have you ever noticed that occasionally you might experience some soreness, or even a "bump" in the armpit area? This can be a sign of blocked or sluggish lymph nodes that need a little love. Of course, always check with your health care provider to make sure that it's not something more serious. But if you feel like it's just some blocked lymph, I found a fabulous recipe that works wonders for me, anyway.
Anyone that knows me knows that I always recommend Sulfurzyme for literally everyone! Why? It's difficult to get enough sulfur in this modern world without making it a full-time job of eating lots of the above listed sources of sulfur (and of course it must be good quality).
- Supports joint health*
- Supports recovery time of joints after exercise*
- Supports normal range of motion*
- Supports bone health*
- Supports normal metabolic functions and circulation*
- Aids the immune system*
- Supports hair and skin health*

For years (40 years, actually) I thought the only thing I could do for my constant year-round battle with allergies, was to continue to take prescription meds, over-the-counter allergies medicines, take allergy shots and go to the doctor for antibiotics every time I got sick with an upper respiratory infection (which was several times a year). No joke ~ I literally could not breathe through my nose for most of my life!
Did you know that there is such a thing as "seasonal nutrition"? Most of us take supplements that we consider our "core supplements" that help us to have foundational support for our wellness. These are a must in this modern-day world because the nutritional value of our food is so diminished due to short-cuts to create more money, more food per acre - which gives us less nutrition to nourish our bodies. Hence, we supplement with much needed nutriments.
Additionally, there are seasonal things we should be doing to support our wellness. Different seasons require different approaches.
Some people live their entire "working lives" making a living doing something they were trained to do just to pay the bills and live the life they choose, according to how much money they make. That used to be me, too; but no more.
I discovered something I'm passionate about, a way to help other people live their lives more abundantly with better wellness, more energy, and an all-around better outlook on life! Now, THAT'S Gratifying!!