Are you tired of those pesky mosquitoes and flies ruining your outdoor adventures? Fear not, because I'm going to show you how to keep those bugs at bay. Say goodbye to chemical-laden insect repellents, and hello to the power of plants!

Next, we have lavender, the beautiful and fragrant plant that repels mosquitoes and flies with its pleasant scent. Grow it in your garden or in pots, and make sachets with its dried flowers to keep moths and other pests away.

Mint is another herb that is easy to grow and effective at repelling mosquitoes and flies. Its strong scent masks the scents that attract insects, making it a powerful natural repellent. Grow it in pots or in gardens and make natural insect repellent sprays or add it to candles.

Lemon balm, a member of the mint family, has a strong lemon scent that repels mosquitoes and flies. It's easy to grow and can be used to make natural insect repellent sprays or added to candles. Plus, it has calming properties, so you can make tea or add it to bathwater for a relaxing soak.

Geraniums are another beautiful flower that is effective at repelling mosquitoes and flies. The scent of geraniums is unpleasant to insects, making them a great addition to gardens or outdoor areas. Plant them in pots or in gardens and make natural insect repellent sprays.

Some of the best essential oils for repelling mosquitoes and flies include peppermint, lemongrass, eucalyptus, and cedarwood.
And if you don't have the time or energy to grow your own bug-repelling plants, and you don't want to bother with a diffuser and oils, there's one other successful way to protect yourself - Young Living Plant-Based Insect Repellent and Insect Repellent Wipes!
With these natural remedies, you can enjoy the great outdoors without the annoyance of pesky bugs.
Happy Summer!
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