It's an Exciting Day today, because the brand new Young Living Shopping Platform is now LIVE! Anyone who has wanted to purchase Young Living products, but didn't want to "Become a Member" can now shop 'til you drop similar to how you shop on Amazon or other shopping platforms!
There are two ways you can get a 24% discount when you SHOP - Either purchase a minimum 100pv of products (on your first order only), OR, put anything you want (no minimum required) into the Subscribe to Save subscription (which can be every month, every 2 months, or every 3 months - and you can change the products each time). There is no minimum requirement to be in the Subscribe to Save program and get the 24% discount; BUT if you do have at least 50pv in a Subscribe to Save order, you will also earn 10%-25% back in points for free products (depending on how long you've been in the Subscribe to Save program).
When you get to the link, your first time here, no need to sign in or join - just put the name of what you are looking for in the search bar - Example: Lavender essential oil - and either click on One Time Purchase or Subscribe to Save. When you get ready to check out, that's when you will set up your account information, which you will use to log in the next time you want to shop at youngliving.com First you must set up your account HERE with a purchase
Of course, all this ONLY applies to people who didn't already have a Young Living account set up. So, if you do have an account, you can just log in to your new shopping platform and have at it! And check out your "Share YL" link on your shopping page - you can share your link with people to help them get started, too! And if you are a Brand Partner with Young Living, you will earn commissions from those who use your referral link to set up their account. If you are presently a "Customer" with Young Living, and not a Brand Partner, you can change that by purchasing a Business Essentials Kit for $30, which would then make you a Brand Partner, and you can earn commissions from sharing what you love!
This is an exciting day for everyone - especially those who never wanted to join anything - they just wanted to get the best essential oils and essential oil enhanced products on the market! Now you can!!!
People often ask me what my Favorite YL Products are. That really kind of depends on a lot of factors - what may be my favorite today could be different than yesterday, depending on what's going on in my life. But if you want to know the Young Living products that I absolutely USE every single day.... click the button below for My Daily Favorites!
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