Raindrop Technique Benefits

D. Gary Young (founder of Young Living Essential Oils) developed this special massage technique based on his research of essential oils and their body-supporting properties, his knowledge of the Vita Flex reflexology technique, and the effect of “feathering” on the muscles and nervous system.

As a massage therapist, I offered this Young Living oils & massage technique to my clients, and they often remarked how amazing it made them feel and how long that feeling lasted!  It definitely was a favorite!  

Learn more about the amazing benefits of Raindrop Technique by scrolling through the slides of this online presentation I have below.  

Not everyone has the time or knows a massage therapist who offers this technique.  There is a self application that you can learn using the oils in the Raindrop Technique on your feet that is highly effective in giving you the benefits of the oils used.  Of course, you won't get to enjoy a nice hour-long pampering massage along with it; but you WILL reap the benefits of the oils and what they can do for you!  

Saturday, January 30th, at 11 a.m. Eastern time, my great friend and Certified Pilates Instructor, Patti Abel is going to do a live online Zoom event talking about how to do a self application of Young Living Oils on the feet = we call it "Raindrop Your Feet".  This is a free online event, and you can register here. 

People often ask me what my Favorite YL Products are.  That really kind of depends on a lot of factors - what may be my favorite today could be different than yesterday, depending on what's going on in my life.  But if you want to know the Young Living products that I absolutely USE every single day.... click the button below for My Daily Favorites! 


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