I Do NOT Sell Essential Oils - Part II
In yesterday’s blog I explained to you that I don’t SELL essential oils. Today I am going to talk to you about what I actually DO, and how it has earned me a substantial monthly income that makes retirement very comfortable for me.
First of all, I USE Young Living essential oils, supplements, and personal care products because I trust the quality and purity of them, and I believe in removing as many toxic ingredients from my environment as is humanly possible.  This has had a substantial and noticeable effect on my quality of life, vitality and health.

Second, I unabashedly share my passion for the products with those who want to know about better options for their wellness.  If they want to try them out to see for themselves, I help them set up their own wholesale account so that they can buy whatever they want, whenever they want, and save 24%.

Third, I educate people about wellness so that they can find the solutions to their own individual challenges and make better choices for themselves.  Everyone is different.  I don’t just tell all people to use the same things – we explore what their individual needs are, and I try to help them find solutions for those needs. 
Why did I choose to do this?   Because I like helping people, number one.  And, number two, I discovered quality products that I can actually get behind and believe in, because they worked for me, and I’ve seen them work over and over again for others.  I could never feel good about promoting  something to make a buck.  Not that there’s anything wrong with that; but, I need to have some kind of purpose in what I do – beyond making money. 
Having said that, I have helped a lot of people who have found that the products work for them, too – so they continue to buy quality products from their own wholesale account, and Young Living pays me for introducing them and educating them.   Some of them have gone on to share with others and are also creating residual income.  Most of them are just using the product and loving it.  I have wholesale customers that have been with Young Living for 18+ years = still loving the products, just like me. 
Here's what the Direct Selling Association says about the cost of starting up a business like this, compared to the cost of other businesses …

I've been an entrepreneur my entire adult life, having had a few businesses, (whose start-up costs were in the many thousands of dollars) and I can say the start-up cost for this one was practically nothing (ranges from $35 - $170) - and the income it has earned me has far surpassed the others. 

So, what I DO is help people find solutions and better products for their own quality of life and wellness.  Some of those people I also help create that residual income that is so nice to have!  It is very gratifying to help people, and I am very comfortable in my retirement having done so!  

If you are looking for a way to live better AND make money helping others, I have a tried and true system to help you do it successfully.  I love helping others find solutions, whether it's for wellness or financial increase, or both... you get to choose.   To get started Click HERE to set up your wholesale account, and I will be notified and will get in touch with you about how to move forward in choosing the right products for you.  And if you want to embrace the business opportunity, just let me know when I reach out to you, and we can explore how I can help you with that, too. 

If you want to subscribe to my blog, click here and drop me a note if there is a topic you'd like to see covered in a future blog post. 

People often ask me what my Favorite YL Products are.  That really kind of depends on a lot of factors - what may be my favorite today could be different than yesterday, depending on what's going on in my life.  But if you want to know the Young Living products that I absolutely USE every single day.... click the button below for My Daily Favorites! 


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