Today I’m writing about something that apparently people do not know about me…… I Do NOT Sell Essential Oils! Apparently, people misunderstand what I do for a living, and today I am setting the record the straight!
I USE essential oils every – single – day, in many ways.
I take Young Living Vitality oils internally for wellness every - single - day.
I diffuse Young Living essential oils and blends in my home every – single – day to make my environment a relaxing, peaceful experience.
I use Young Living essential oils topically every – single - day for their therapeutic benefits.
I educate others about the benefits of doing these things, every – single – day!
What I do NOT do is Sell essential oils! Are you surprised? I thought so.
Here’s the deal:
- Young Living is the ONLY essential oil company with a Seed to Seal promise of quality and safety – and along with that comes “effectiveness” (because of the quality). They control the standards and quality from Seed to Seal! Most other companies are just brokers of oils and do not have that same control. (I say “Most” because there may be a few small (very small) companies in the world that have good quality oils, but they are not providing them to the masses). Therefore, I ONLY use and recommend Young Living essential oils. Period.
- Young Living is a network marketing company – which means they offer a product to people who want to purchase it for their own use at wholesale prices, and IF they want to earn residual income by helping others do the same – there is a business opportunity available.
- In Young Living, according to the 2019 Income Disclosure Statement, 89.6% of the people who choose to buy product at wholesale do NOT embrace the business opportunity and never help others get their own accounts or teach them about the amazing products for wellness that they offer. They just buy them and use them, and are happy with that.
- The other 10.4% of Wholesale Members of Young Living choose to follow the path that I did – share the products and the opportunity with others.
I tried two other Network Marketing companies before finding Young Living was the perfect fit for me. Why? Because I didn’t have to stock and sell product and worry about customer service and delivery of that product. If I help someone get their own wholesale account, they deal straight with Young Living when they buy product, and if they have a problem with delivery, or the product itself, YOUNG LIVING takes care of it. (And, by the way, they have amazing customer service!)
Tomorrow I will share with you Part II of this blog and explain WHY I chose to embrace the business opportunity side of the equation, and what it has done for me. You might be surprised, so stay tuned.
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People often ask me what my Favorite YL Products are. That really kind of depends on a lot of factors - what may be my favorite today could be different than yesterday, depending on what's going on in my life. But if you want to know the Young Living products that I absolutely USE every single day.... click the button below for My Daily Favorites!