These are 3 words (Inward, Steady, Outward) that describe the types of emotions we experience.
Inward Emotions: Peaceful, Sad
Inward refers to emotions that we express when our bodies are relaxed, ready to go to sleep or waking up from sleep.
Shift Inward with 5 deep inhalations of Copaiba!
Steady Emotions: Powerful, Mad
Steady refers to emotions we exhibit most of the day in our steady physical state. We are active, thinking and doing.
Shift into Steady with 5 deep whiffs of Lemongrass!
Outward Emotions: Joyful, Scared
Outward Emotions typically occur when our bodies are Alert with interactions with people, activities with people, intense planning and integration, and peak physical/mental activities
Shift into Outward with 5 whiffs of Neroli or Ylang Ylang!
We all need our Inward moments of peace, quiet and privacy (especially at bedtime).
We also need our Outward moments of communication, activities, and friendships.
We need our Steady emotions for most of our daily activities
We'll walk through INWARD, STEADY, and OUTWARD emotions and the essential oils that you can use to Shift your Emotions from Unpleasant to Pleasant.